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Unfollowers for Instagram

  • 5.0 RATINGS
  • 4+ AGE

About this app

  • Name Unfollowers for Instagram
  • Category PHOTOGRAPHY
  • Price Free
  • Safety 100% Safe
  • Version 2.9.1
  • Update May 14,2024

Unfollowers for Instagram is a straightforward yet powerful app that provides valuable insights into your Instagram following. This app goes beyond basic follower counts, revealing who exactly is following you back and who has chosen to unfollow, giving you a clearer picture of your Instagram audience.


Identify Non-Followers: Easily pinpoint the users you follow who don't reciprocate the gesture. No more manual scrolling and checking – Unfollowers for Instagram does the work for you.

Track Recent Unfollows: The app features a dedicated tab that specifically highlights users who have unfollowed you within the past seven days, allowing you to keep track of recent changes.

Mass Unfollow Option: Found yourself following numerous inactive or irrelevant accounts? Unfollowers for Instagram allows you to easily unfollow multiple users at once, streamlining your following list.

Whitelisting Feature: Protect your favorite accounts from accidental unfollows by adding them to a "whitelist," ensuring you remain connected to those who matter most.

Key Features:

User-Friendly Interface: Navigating the app is intuitive and straightforward, providing a seamless user experience.

Detailed Follower Analysis: Gain insights beyond simple follower/following counts, including recent unfollows, mutual followers, and more.

Account Security: The app prioritizes user privacy and only requires your Instagram username, ensuring the security of your account credentials.

Software Review:

Unfollowers for Instagram is a valuable tool for anyone who wants to gain a deeper understanding of their Instagram audience and maintain a curated following list. It excels in its simplicity and ease of use, providing clear and concise information without overwhelming users with unnecessary features. While the free version offers basic functionality, the premium version unlocks additional features, including the ability to track multiple accounts and receive more detailed analytics.

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